Art museums are usually in the form of white walls, while cinemas usually equal to big screens and deemed lightings. Could moving images and artworks escape from such spaces?
Jockey Club ifva Everywhere Carnival 2020 invites you to embark on an online and offline journey of extraordinary image viewing experience. Artworks of and inspired by moving images will be situated not only at physical exhibition spaces, but also time-traveling mobile sites, online virtual networks and even your own private corner. Join us and enjoy the boundless possibilities of media arts anytime, everywhere!
Alice Wong was invited to curate the Extended Programmes for the Carnival after the Carnival's 2018 edition.
「賽馬會ifva Everywhere — 影像嘉年華 2020」,跨越實體虛擬彊界,為你帶來以下非凡觀影經驗,把影像藝術置於【在地實體的物理空間】、【穿梭時空的流動空間】、【網絡世界虛擬空間】、以至【直送到戶的自家空間】,從生活經驗發掘媒體藝術展現的種種可能,讓觀眾隨時隨地欣賞影像藝術,Anytime, Everywhere!
黃嘉淇繼「賽馬會ifva Everywhere — 影像嘉年華2018」後再度獲 ifva 邀請,策劃影像嘉年華的伸延活動。