Alice Wong
Alice Wong is a curator, producer with over 15 years of experience in Arts Management. Alice previously worked for such art organisations and companies as ABA Productions, Osage Gallery and City Contemporary Dance Company. She joined soundpocket in 2011 and was appointed the Executive Director of soundpocket between 2017 and 2021. She was the General Manager of Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio from July 2021 to February 2023.
She is also the Producer of Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong Productions: Brian Eno’s Music For Airports – New Audio-visual Counterpoint (2010), Silent Film New Music: Chaplin & Philip Glass (2011), Electric Company: An Orchestra of Laptops (2013) and Windmill Grass Theatre Production: Super Mama Super Market (2015). Projects and exhibitions she curated include ‘Crazy Women’ (Tainan, 2022), ‘10 Years of ASP’ (Hong Kong, 2021), Mid-term Examination (Tainan, 2019), 'BEING THERE 2017' (Kyotango, Japan, 2017), 'Frank Tang Kai-yiu: I was away for a while' (Hong Kong, 2015) and 'Around sound art festival 2014 - Japan' (Kyotango, Japan, 2014). Alice is a graduate from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, majoring in Language and Communication. She received her master’s degree in Values Education from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
In 2019, Alice received the HKETO-NY Arts Activator fellowship support from Yale-China Association, with which she spent 6 months at Yale University during the first half of 2019 for her research on Early Childhood Arts Learning.
黃氏曾先後於PIP劇場(前劇場組合)、ABA Productions、奧沙畫廊及城市當代舞蹈團等藝術團體擔任藝術行政工作;黃氏於2011年加入聲音掏腰包,於2017至2021年間獲委任為聲音掏腰包行政總監,及後於2021至2023年間擔任鄧樹榮戲劇工作室劇團經理。
黃氏曾為康文署與現在音樂合辦節目《布賴恩.伊諾的機場音樂》、《卓別靈與格拉斯》、《電器公司:手提電腦大樂隊》及風車草劇團製作《超級媽媽超級巿場》擔任監製;參與策展項目包括:「黃嘉瀛個展:瘋女人」(臺灣臺南)、聲音掏腰包「ASP十年展」(香港)、西九文化區藝術紓困計劃2020「在家創作 WOW from home」(香港)、ifva影像嘉年華 2020 之教育項目(香港)、「期中考-香港藝術家聯展」(臺灣臺南)、ifva影像嘉年華 2019 之光影學堂(香港)、BEING THERE 2017(日本京丹後)、「鄧啟耀個展:外出一會」(香港)及「聽在」聲音藝術節及聆聽體驗營2014(日本京丹後)等。
黃氏於2019年獲雅禮協會(Yale-China Association)獎學金赴美國耶魯大學進行為期六個月有關幼兒及社區藝術教育之研究。