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Around sound art festival 2014

Artist Residency and Retreat Camps (Japan, Hong Kong)

「聽在」聲音藝術節及聆聽體驗營 — 日本、香港

Presented by soundpocket

Around 2014 includes two parts, Japan and Hong Kong. This is the first time that we bring Around out of Hong Kong. Being There – Artist Residency and Retreat Camp held in Amino, Kyoto, was curated by Alice Wong, Wong Chun-hoi, Hiromi Miyakita and Akio Suzuki.  Hong Kong artists were invited to travel to Amino, Kyoto for a 2-week residency, in which they explored sound and space in Amino. Together with Japanese artists, the artists had presented workshops, soundwalks, and performances during the 3-day Retreat Camp. The artists had also engaged with the public in dialogues while wandering around this small city on the coast of the Sea of Japan.

The festival continued in Hong Kong after the camp. Italian curator Carlo Fossati had worked with Michael Graeve and Tetsuya Umeda to present site-specific installations and performances at Kwun Tong Ferry Pier. An installation by Paolo Piscitelli was also exhibited at the Pier. Piscitelli’s video work, along with those works by artists Phill Niblock, Carlos Casas and Alessandro Quaranta were presented at Connecting Space, Hong Kong.



藝術節在聆聽營後繼續在香港進行。意大利策展人Carlo Fossati 帶領Michael Graeve 和 梅田哲也 於觀塘渡輪碼頭創作在地裝置及表演,同場亦展示了Paolo Piscitelli的裝置作品。同期亦於香港 Connecting Space播放Phill Niblock、Carlos Casas及Alessandro Quaranta的錄像作品。

Japan 日本

Being There – Artist Residency and Retreat Camp

an exploration of sound and space in Amino, Kyoto

(Exhibitions, Performances, Workshops, and Guided Walks)
29 – 31.8.2014

Hong Kong 香港

voices / landscapes (for the eye and ear)
an ongoing research on the relation and interaction between sound and image in Kwun Tong Ferry Pier & Connecting Space, Hong Kong

26.9 – 2.10.2014

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