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Artist Support Programme


Since August 2011 to the present, I  have  been  involved  in  the conception, development and management of a number of residency programmes, including the Artist Support Programme by soundpocket. 


Over the years, Artist Support Programme has provided direct material, artistic and social support to young artists in Hong Kong who have shown commitment to becoming professional artists working with sound and listening. soundpocket works with artists — from various disciplines — in realising their visions, and build sustainable and strengthen their own practices by providing them with financial/ technical support, training and professional development (by engaging them in our programmes and help them to identify professional development resources), communities and networks (by connecting them with artists, curators and art practitioners locally and internationally). 


About soundpocket’s Artist Support Programme:


Young artists who have not got a foothold in the production and distribution systems of art require curatorial, administrative, and social support, which is why the soundpocket’s Artist Support Programme (ASP) was launched in 2010. Since then, over 19 local Hong Kong artists have benefited from this initiative. Since the 2014 edition, an overseas residency is added to the programme to offer the chance of further exposure of the Hong Kong-based artist-awardees with like-minded art organizations. 


An additional aspect of the Artist Support Programme was inaugurated in 2015, when overseas artists recommended by our partnering organizations would visit Hong Kong. With this artist exchange, the programme aims at forging long-term ties between soundpocket and the overseas host of the residencies and make opportunities for local artists to build professional relations and friendship with artists from different cultures and backgrounds. These incoming artists had been recommended by Experimental Sound Studio in Chicago and by Art Centre Ongoing in Tokyo. Since 2015, soundpocket has hosted David Boykin (Sep - Oct 2015) and Sara Ludy (May 2018) from Chicago; and Takuro Kotaka (Apr – May 2016), Ayaka Ura (Apr – May 2017) and Yusuke Shibata (July 2018) from Tokyo. 






多年來, 「藝術家支援計劃」為駐香港並有意從事聲音和聆聽相關創作的年青藝術家提供了直接的物質、藝術和社交支援。聲音掏腰包與來自不同領域的藝術家合作,透過提供財務/技術支持、培訓和專業發展(鼓勵藝術家們參與聲音掏腰包籌劃的項目)、社區和網絡(聯繫本地和國際的藝術家、策展人和藝文工作者)以協助藝術家們實現願景,建立並強化藝術家可持續發展的藝術實踐。






計劃更於2015年起與合作夥伴推動海外藝術家來港駐留,促成海外藝術家來港進行文化交流,並讓聲音掏腰包與海外合作夥伴建立長期關係,為香港藝術家及來自不同文化背景的海外藝術家提供建立專業關係和友誼的機會。到訪的海外藝術家均由芝加哥 Experimental Sound Studio 和東京 Art Center Ongoing 推薦。自2015年以來,獲聲音掏腰包接待的藝術家包括:來自芝加哥的 David Boykin(2015年9月-10月)、Sara Ludy(2018年5月);以及來自東京的小鷹拓郎(2016年4月-5月)、浦彩香(2017年4月-5月)和柴田佑介(2018年7月)。

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