Mid-term Examination
Curated by Alice Wong
@ Zit-dim, No. 84, Section 2, Yongfu Road, Zhongxi District, Tainan City, Taiwan
@ 台灣台南市中西區永福路2段84號節點
13.12.2019 - 31.1.2020
Participating artists: Bouie Choi, South Ho, Bosco Lam, Ling Pui-Sze, Stephanie Sin, Frank Tang
At the beginning of 2019, a group of artists from Hong Kong formed the "Cross Harbour Taxi Art Project" and collaborated with Taiwanese artists to create the arts and culture space Zit-dim in Tainan. "Cross Harbour Taxi Art Project" and Zit-dim together provided residency and exhibition opportunities for artists from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and overseas, promoting cultural exchange between Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other regions to foster artistic creations.
During 2019, Hong Kong artists, with curiosity and questions in mind, take over the exhibition and residency spaces of Zit-dim and turn them as their base to conduct various workshops and explorations in Tainan.
As part of the "Cross Harbour Taxi Art Project," each member submitted their "exam papers" to showcase their "learning outcomes" during this period. Some were interim results, some were summaries of their focused studies, and some were research plans for future residency programmes.
This project is financially supported by the HKADC