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Being There 2017

Artist Residency and Retreat Camps


Presented by soundpocket

@ Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

@ 日本京都府京丹後市

Artist Residency 藝術家駐留: 24.8.2017 - 7.9.2017

Retreat Camp 聆聽體驗營: 8 - 10.9.2017

Exhibition and other public programmes 展覽及其他公眾活動: 9.9.2017 - 24.9.2017 

BEING THERE 2017, as a collaborative event of ART CAMP TANGO 2017, is an invitation for listening, seeing, and being there – in the lovely city of Kyotango on the coast of the Sea of Japan. The Artist Residency brings together Hong Kong and Japanese artists to produce installations, live performances, guided walks, and open dialogues, while the Retreat Camp is an occasion for people coming from different backgrounds—but all interested in art—to share intimate experiences and an appreciative spirit.


Alice Wong (HK) | Hiromi Miyakita (JP) | Satoko Kiyosawa (JP) | Aya Aoshima (JP)


Participating Artists
Samson Cheung Choi-sang | Arumimi Hifumi | Fiona Lee Wing-shan
Frank Tang Kai-yiu | Junko Kido | Reina Kimura
Soichiro Mihara | Hiromi Miyakita | Tomohiko Ogawa
Makoto Oshiro | Akio Suzuki | Akinori Yamasaki

BEING THERE 2017-藝術家駐留及體驗營為ART CAMP TANGO聲音藝術祭之合辦活動,活動旨在邀請公眾一同聆聽、觀察並置身於京丹後這個日本海的沿岸城市。藝術家駐留邀請來自香港及日本的藝術家進行裝置創作、現場表演、導賞以及開放對話,而體驗營則聚集來自不同地方、背景,卻同樣愛好藝術之公眾一同體驗與分享。


黃嘉淇 (香港) | 宮北裕美 (日本) | 清澤暁子 (日本) | 青嶋絢 (日本)

張才生 | 有耳非文 | 李穎姍
鄧啟耀 | 木藤 純子 | 木村 玲奈
三原 聡一郎 | 宮北 裕美 | 小川 智彦
大城 真 | 鈴木 昭男 | 山崎 昭典

Supported by the Arts Development Fund of the Home Affairs Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

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